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Vitamin D Blood Test

Simple Home Blood Test Kit


Are you feeling tired, achy and low in mood?

This Test will check for, 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood, which is the active form of vitamin D and low levels can lead to:

  • osteoporosis
  • fractures
  • recurrent infections

Over 20% of the UK population are low in vitamin d. This test will check your levels against recognised UK standards.

What Can I Learn From This Test

There is significant research on the impacts of low vitamin D, especially since the pandemic. It is now known that not only is it vital for bone health but it also has many metabolic and hormonal properties that is essential for a healthy immune system. Having a low vitamin D can go undetected for many years, which if undiagnosed and not treated for long enough, symptoms can appear, these can include:

  • Bone Pain and Muscle Weakness
  • Fatigue and Tiredness
  • Bone Deformities (in Children)
  • Delayed Wound Healing
  • Frequent Infections

This test will check your levels and will help indicate what dose of supplementation you need if any.


Biomarkers Tested

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is, in fact, a hormone generated by your skin in response to sunlight exposure. The vitamin D produced through sun exposure, known as vitamin D3, must undergo conversion into another form called 25 hydroxycholecalciferol (25 OH) before your body can utilize it. Vitamin D (25 OH) represents the primary circulating form and is considered the most accurate indicator of vitamin D supply to your body.

Vitamin D is crucial for maintaining healthy bones and teeth by facilitating calcium absorption. Additionally, it plays roles in muscle health, immune function, and mental well-being.

Symptoms of low vitamin D include muscle weakness, mood swings, and fatigue. Many individuals in the UK have insufficient vitamin D levels, with those with dark skin and limited outdoor exposure being particularly vulnerable.

While small amounts of vitamin D can be obtained from food, especially oily fish, eggs, and vitamin-D fortified foods, addressing a vitamin D deficiency is unlikely through dietary means alone.

Advanced blood tests - made simple

Our top-tier health dashboard is designed to transform you into a master of your own health. Featuring a user-friendly interface, it offers all the vital information necessary for making informed decisions about your health and wellness. Whether it's identifying hormone imbalances or ensuring your diet is nutritionally complete, our dashboard provides the insights you need to fully comprehend your body's needs and functions.

Advice by medical experts, tailored to you

Don’t worry, we don’t just provide your levels and leave you to it. We have our team of medical experts on standby to explain any out-of-range results, and provide information and advice specifically tailored to you.

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